ART. 1 - Course Information
The information in the course detail sheets published on the website and the Norms of Life, constitute an integral and essential part of these General Conditions, as published on the official website, of which the student, if an adult, or the parent/exercising parental responsibility, if the student is a minor, declares that he/she has read at the time of enrollment and accepts them, including with regard to the limitations and protective and safety precautions where provided.
ART. 2 - Application
The application must be completed and submitted online, using the appropriate Course Enrollment Form, completed in its entirety and duly signed. It is the right of the CVC not to accept the enrollment at its sole discretion or to revoke it after examination of the submitted documentation, with refund of the amount paid if the documentation is received before one month from the beginning of a course. In other cases, the penalties provided for withdrawal cases apply (Art. 7.2).
If there are no available places in the desired shifts, the Secretariat will recommend new shifts or Reserve enrollment.
For direct admission to courses above the first level initiation courses such as D2 - Drift Consolidation, D2J - Under 14 Drift Consolidation, D2D3 - Drift Refinement, D3 - Drift Refinement, D3D4 - Advanced Drift, C2 - Cabin Consolidation, C2C3 - Static Pre-cruise, C3 - Stationary Pre-cruising, C3C4 - Cruising, or special courses such as Pasquavela dinghy, Pasquavela J80, Maneuvering cabin cruisers, Skipper, Solo Sailing, and more generally where indicated in the prerequisites of the course detail sheet, the Application for Direct Admission must also be completed.
When submitting the application, the applicant, henceforth identified as a student, must pay the amount indicated in the application.
The application will be valid if the student is at least:
12 years of age for special Under 14 courses;
15 years of age, or turn them in the year, for Deriva courses D1 through D3 (and fortnightly) in rounds 24 through 31;
15 years of age, or turn them in the year, for courses D1 through D3 (and fortnightly) for those who have already taken (or passed, depending on the course) an Under 14 course;
16 years of age, or turn them in the year, for all Deriva courses;
17 years of age, or complete in the year, for C3 and HP courses;
18 years of age, completed, for all Cabin courses where not otherwise indicated;
If the student, on the date of application, has not yet reached the age of 18, the application must be signed by the person exercising parental responsibility.
ART. 3 - Courses
The characteristics of the courses are those described on the page Courses and Course Details on the website
In case of selective courses lasting more than one week, or which involve attending several consecutive weekly courses, the transfer to the higher course is subject to the school's assessment of suitability for the previous week, and no right, or a refund, is payable in the event of a negative assessment, except for the right to repeat the previous course.
In the case of courses where direct admission is required, the School reserves the right, even if the application is accepted and the student is enrolled in the course requested, to redirect the same student, before or during the course, to a course, even of a lower level, that is considered more suitable with reference to the skills covered by the same student admitted directly.
ART. 4 - Duration of the courses
The start and end dates and the duration of each course are published on the website .
ART. 5 - Fees
The price of each course, with reference to each individual period, is indicated on the website The price of the courses will change according to the saturation level of the courses.
The fee must be paid by the student on the following terms and in the following manner. If a deposit is provided (see Art.2, Paragraph 4), this deposit must be paid when the application is signed; as for the remaining amount, no later than the 30th day before the start of the course. If the balance of the fee is not received by this deadline, this will be considered a waiver of the application (see Art. 7, Paragraph 2). In case there is no down payment, the full amount must be paid upon signing the application.
The fee required and indicated on includes:
transportation from La Maddalena to Caprera and back; accommodation activities: food and lodging except for itinerant courses whose participants provide their own food;
teaching activities, related services and use of technical instruments;
accident insurance, with the following limits: € 100,000 for Death or Permanent Disability. Compensation will not be paid when the Permanent Invalidity is less than 3% of the Total Permanent Invalidity; if, on the other hand, it is greater than 3% but less than 20%, the Compensation will be paid for the part exceeding 3%; if the Invalidity is greater than 20%, the Compensation will be paid without the application of any Deductible; if the Invalidity is greater than 50%, the Compensation will be paid at 100%; in addition € 4.000.00 for medical treatment with an overdraft of 10% with a minimum of € 100.00. It is not possible to insure against injury those over 80 years of age.
The following are to be borne exclusively by the student and expressly excluded from the fee:
the outward and return journey;
the food for itinerant courses carried out independently (e.g., courses Cruise C4, Altura C5, the 2nd week Pre-cruise C3C4, etc.);
fuel and port expenses for the aforementioned itinerant courses conducted independently.
All such expenses and costs remain the sole responsibility of the student even if the course cannot have, or has not had, all or part of its regular course and/or has otherwise not taken place for any cause.
ART.6 - Faculty of the Sailing School
The School reserves the right, if the minimum number of 4 students enrolled for a course is not reached or for any other reason that makes the implementation of the course impossible, to cancel the course itself and to offer the student alternative periods. Any expenses and costs incurred, with the exception of the registration fee paid, remain the sole responsibility of the student.
ART. 7 - Cancellation and penalties
In case of renunciation of the course, the student must inform CVC as soon as possible by e-mail at The date of receipt will be considered as effective cancellation.
The following amounts will be withheld as a penalty:
if the waiver is received more than 30 days before the beginning of the course, € 150.00 as reimbursement of expenses;
if the waiver is received between the 29th and 15th day before the beginning of the course, € 300.00;
if the waiver is received after the 15th day before the beginning of the course, the full fee.
If the waiver is due to serious documented health reasons (hospitalization or serious illness that prevents the exercise of the activity covered by the course), provided that the communication is received with a medical certificate at least 36 hours before the start of the course, the sum of € 150.00 will be withheld as reimbursement of expenses and the difference calculated as a discount for a course to be carried out within the following year.
In the event that the student has failed to submit, in the required manner, the documentation provided at the time of enrollment by the deadline of 15 days before the start of the course, he/she will not be allowed to attend the same course and the amounts previously paid, for whatever reason, will be retained in full by the CVC ETS Foundation also as a penalty and fair compensation, without any right to reimbursement by the student to be considered renounced in any case.
Should the student have to abandon the course already started due to ascertained force majeure, he/she must give notice. The Secretariat will refund, within a reasonable period of time, the sum of € 50.00 for each day of non-attendance.
Nothing will be due from the School in the event of voluntary abandonment by the student or in the event of the student's removal, as indicated in the Norms of Life.
Shifts can only be made consistent with the availability of space. If shifting is possible: at the same price between the two courses (or if shifting to a lower priced course) the following penalties apply: € 50.00 for requests received before the 30th day from the start of the shift; € 100.00 for requests received between the 29th and 15th day; and € 150.00 if received after the 15th day and before the 3rd day. No transfers are allowed in the last 3 days before the start of the shift. If the price of the course to which you are moving is greater than the price of the booked and paid course, you will be asked to pay the price difference if greater than the penalty or the penalty if greater than the price difference.
ART. 8 - Consent of the contracting party
The School is exonerated from any kind of responsibility for any damage to the student's person or his property that may occur during the course, or in any case in the practice of any activity carried out in the School, as it is covered by the consent of the person entitled, with the consequent waiver to assert any responsibility of the school and the instructors in this regard.
ART. 9 - Exemption from liability for students' belongings or valuables
With the express exclusion of the applicability of articles 1783 et seq. of the Civil Code, the School shall not be liable for the loss, theft or deterioration of students' belongings or valuables and personal effects brought into the School and its facilities.
ART. 10 - Exemption of liability of the School and its instructors outside the activity of the School
Outside the hours of teaching activities on land or in the water, the School and its instructors are exempt from any liability, except for facts directly attributable to them and in any case only for wilful misconduct or gross negligence. The CVC Foundation - Centro Velico Caprera ETS, however, assumes no responsibility, and is expressly exonerated from this by the person entitled, for the consequences arising from any food intolerances or allergies of any kind, nature or genre not adequately reported at the time of enrollment in the manner indicated therein.
ART. 11 - Parents' responsibility in case of courses with underage pupils. Exclusion of responsibility of the School for self-harm.
The parent exercising parental authority over the underage pupil declares that the maturity, psychological conditions and conduct of the pupil to date are appropriate for his/her age and do not require specific educational interventions of a disciplinary nature, relating, by way of example, to alcohol consumption, drug addiction, conduct detrimental to the psychic and physical integrity of oneself and others, also declaring that the psycho-physical conditions, conduct and education of the minor are compatible with the discipline required for the course and with the conduct of life and activities in common.
In the case of self-inflicted damage caused by the minor outside of the didactic activity on land or in the water, the responsibility of the school and its instructors is excluded, even for any fault due to lack of supervision, if not for malice or gross negligence.
In the case of damage caused by the child to other students and/or third parties outside of teaching activities on land or in water, without prejudice to the responsibility of the parent exercising parental authority, the school and its instructors are excluded from any liability except for facts directly attributable to them and in any case only for wilful misconduct or gross negligence, with the parent exercising parental authority indemnifying the school and its instructors against any consequences that may arise.
ART.12 - Exemption from liabilityas per art. 2048 c.c.
With the express exclusion of the applicability of art. 2048 c.c, the School and its instructors are exonerated from the strict liability referred to in art. 2048 of the Civil Code for any self-inflicted damage as well as for that caused by the student during the time they are under their supervision, responding in any case only for malice or gross negligence and with express indemnity, by the person responsible, towards the school and its instructors for any consequences that may arise.
ART. 13 - Partial Invalidity.
The possible invalidity of one or more clauses, as well as the invalidity of only part of a single clause, does not invalidate the remaining part of the clause and the other clauses that remain valid and effective for the remainder.
ART. 14 - Jurisdiction
For the resolution of any dispute between the parties, regarding the validity, effectiveness, interpretation, execution and/or termination of this contract, including the Code of Conduct and any other matter related to the relationship with CVC, the Court of Milan shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
ART. 15 - Size Change Policy
The Centro Velico Caprera gives the purchaser the right to change size, even for a single product.Standard procedure:
- Send an email to indicating the purchase confirmation and the product to be replaced.
- Once confirmation has been received, the purchaser must bring the product to be replaced to the Caprera base where, on the day of his/her arrival, the product can be replaced at the "Spaccio" during evening opening hours.For any other non-standard request, please contact
Note: Products must be returned in the same condition in which they were delivered to you. Items purchased as new must be returned undamaged, unused and undamaged.
ART. 16 - Policy product damaged in transport:
Centro Velico Caprera will replace the damaged product according to the same procedure as for size changes, with the only difference that the purchaser must attach a photo of the damaged product to the request email to
ART. 17 - Right of Withdrawal
Send an email to indicating your confirmation of purchase and your wish to withdraw from the purchase, which will be done in accordance with the procedures laid down by the regulations in force.